the possibilities


Cupar School offers a full range
of academic and non-academic
programs to students from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

The school maintains a beautiful resource center, a state of the art computer lab, a large, well equipped gymnasium, a science lab, an industrial arts shop, a home economics lab and an arts education room.

With an enrollment of over 200 students, Cupar School has a staff of 13.2 teachers, 2 teacher aides, a library/speech aide, an administrative assistant and 2 custodians. Students from a neighboring School are bussed to Cupar to attend industrial arts and home economics. The Qu' Appelle Valley Shared Services is a shared services region that was formed by Cupar, Buffalo Plains and Indian Head School Divisions to provide services/personnel to students and teachers in our schools.

- Speech Pathologist
- Education Psychologist
- Technology Coordinator
- Resource Based Learning Curriculum Coordinator
- Child and Family Support Worker
- Integrated School Linked Services
- Computer Technician
- Early Childhood Support Worker
- Behavior Education Program

Cupar School has an extensive extra curricular program. This includes volleyball, wrestling, curling, badminton, track and field, cross country, golf club, football, SADD, yearbook, SRC and drama. In April of 2001, a group of students from Grades 11 and 12 completed a tour of France and England as part of a school sponsored tour.


Kindergarten - Grade 5

- Language Arts
- Math
- Social Studies
- Science
- Physical Education
- Health
- Arts Education
- French
- Computers

Grades 7, 8, 9

- Language Arts
- Math
- Social Services
- Science
- Physical Education
- Health
- Arts Education
- French
- Computers
- Information Processing
- Home Economics
- Industrial Arts
- Career Guidance
- Drive Education

Grade 6

- Language Arts
- Math
- Social Studies
- Science
- Physical Education
- Health
- Arts Education
- French
- Computers
- Career Guidance

Grades 10, 11, 12

- English Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Information Processing
- French
- Industrial Arts
- Media Studies
- Entrepeneurship
- Physical Education
- Visual Arts
- Work Experience



Cupar School
Cupar, Saskatchewan
S0G 0Y0
Phone: 306-723-4660
Cupar School Website


Excellence Takes Effort

Glenda Elliott

Vice Principal
Corey Terry

Larry Richea
Bob Willyman
Mark Rolfes
Gwen Hodgins
Sara Coleman
Leila Brodner
Lynne Schulhauser
Linda Turner
Carol Stuart
Elaine Willyman
Barb Bajak
Ken Horne
Doug Turner

Teacher Aide
Colleen Dinsmore

Teacher Aide
Heather Rolfes
Kristen Dinsmore

Kindergarten Aide
Sue Wagner

Library/Speech Aide
Cheryl Barkway

Behavior Education
Sheila Polasek
Doug Turner

Adminstrative Assistant
Lynn Schulhauser

Margret Buckshaw
Len Hollister

Bus Drivers
Jack Mitchell
Marg Paidel
Wilf Paidel
Pat Santos
Albert Michlik
Al Orb

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